Sunday, December 28, 2014

Miley Cyrus : " And Feminity. "

Dear Instagram,

I have a problem with you posting naked Miley Cyrus photo's. For one reason and one reason only. There was an article stating that, the reason for Miley Cyrus behavior lately that has outraged the public, is because, she has been standing up for women's rights and feminist issues along the way.

My only main problem with her actions towards the behavior is, that, every woman is out raged that, they can no longer publicly breast feed their new born children. Yet, Miley Cyrus behavior is aloud to be publicized on television ? Yet, her nude photo's can be posted on face book, Instagram, Twitter and other social media? I have a very big problem.

Only because, I'm not a mother. But, her actions and half naked photo's are making a big impact on the younger adults for making irrational decisions such as slutty clothing and becoming a parent at an early age. This is something that a lot of parents are afraid for their daughters.

I would have been to, if I saw an idol change so drastically and making an excuse such as stanidn gup for women's rights . That's not the way to do so.

Use your common sense. And please, can someone put some right clothing on that child? That goes to Ariana Grande as well.

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Dear Mayor De Blasio ( Shame on You ) .

Dear @Mayor De Blasio, 

I have always been surrounded by fire fighters, police department and government officials since I was little. Therefore,  I respect police officers and fire fighters. For a government official to go after the NYPD department or officials, is wrong. If I was the Mayor, I would have arrested the protesters and have made protesting illegal after rioting towards the law. The police department , in New York, is what makes this town safe. Who comes to your calls when one needs help or one needs a restraining order against an ex boyfriend, girlfriend? Who burned down a church in Ferguson? Who lootted stores? I'm guessing, you support these acts. These acts are called criminal acts. 

So what your technically are saying is, legalize every single crime so that, the police department can't arrest? You have already legalized marijuana. I don't agree. I was raised in the late 80's. To understand and respect the law. Not to go against it. 

John F. Kennedy spoke these very words. He said , " My fellow Americans, ask not what not what your country can do for you, ask what your country can do for you. " 

Mayor, what have you done for our country so far in office? 

Friday, December 12, 2014

Mr. 3000 ; " Memory Loss .

This is an example from my novel which I'm working on! Although, English is my second language, and it's the second year, that, I'm working on , I'm still  writing and trying my best to describe events and scene's from my idea's that I get from my dreams! I hope you will like an example that I will give you in my book in progress! So excited! I just can't sleep! And thank you for your support!

"The smoke meandered whimsically up into the clear blue sky, as the 
snowflakes gently drifted back down to mother natures breast, a crisp nasal clearing mentholy pine was fresh in the air, interuppted lovingly by a warm rich woodsmoke coming from the old weathered yet homely log cabin. hidden from time and noise..the land around the cabin looked inhabited, yet distant enough for serene thoughts of the scent of pine wood burning in the fire place that gave fire the strength to ignite and light the fire for a period of time. 

His constant memory drew his wife closer and closer towards his chest as her breasts touched him passionately while they were making love inside the beautiful cabin he had rented after their wedding night in Vermont. Her slight kisses gently touched his lips. He could taste her lip stick from Victoria Secret. Not that she needed any make up, although, she was so beautiful without. "

Sunday, December 7, 2014

" Being a Woman " - And Still Single. " - "Why Do Men Care!? "

Being a woman is not an easy thing. Many people, men especially believe that, women , we have it all. They have it all wrong. On so many levels.  To share a personal story with you, well. Let's just say, just stepping out off the apartment, I get stared a lot. I might get asked a lot of questions just by walking down the street like, " You single girl? " , " Or , why you still single? ". I still wonder, how do they know that? Or, why do they still care that I' still single.

Being single, independent, and paying your bills on time is hard enough. I'm sorry, being independent and not relying on a man , meaning marrying one on time before age 25 is a myth. I don't need a man to be married to or dating one so that, it'll be easier to pay my bills or save money. I don't need a child to prove my family that, I'm worthy .

I might not be the married type , but I am 100% a career woman that , some day want to become a lawyer. A criminal lawyer. Maybe, one day, I will have it all. But, right now, I'm enjoying my last three years in my twenties. It's fun being a mature, twenty seven year old. Yes, it's sure is.

A lot of women some times, do struggle to keep their weight in tact. These are all the images that internet, puts in to our brains. Like, Calvin Klein Over Weight supper model that became the next image  off Calvin Klein. I disagree. She looks like a complete anorexic stick like figure that wants to gain some weight but can't seem to gain confidence. 

Some men out there only go after looks. Not the brains. They can have it both. Looks and brains.  

A lot of people asked me lately," What do I look in a man.? " 

My answer is .  . . . . " I don't look for a man. I don't run after a man either. I just live my life and like to avoid all drama at all cost!  The end. " 

And honestly, most problems with women, begin with men. . . . 

"Do College's and Universities Think That They're Above The Law!? "

With my learning disability, ADHD And PSTD that I have not yet been diagnosed yet, that the college has caused me so much pain, stress and suffering, I feel like, that, Most college's think that, they're above the law.

When during the hearing there are students that get to attend a students hearing. Unprofessional and untrained staff that get's to make unrulling decision  that has decided decisions jut like the Grand Jury that has chosen for, George Zimmerman, Ferguson police department, and the New York Police Department to get away with murder. Yet "O. J Simpson " is still in prison because he's black. Does that make sense at all? This is why , I want to become a criminal lawyer and defend those who have been possibly falsley accused of murder due to race, and injustice that the police departments policies that need to be changed while they try to stop crime. 

The fact that, just about 50% of criminals are black!? That's what they say about our marriage divorce rate. About 50 % Americans end up divorcing with their spouce. We have a first African American president and, the first American family in New York City who's First Lady's is well, black. And I 100% support them! 

To underestimate the justice system is one thing. But to accuse someone without any prove off evidence, and yet the justice system is so messed up, well at least not all of it, but I clearly see the difference between Ferguson and New York style protesting is much peace full. Amen. Amen.

The reason why these facts have affected me so much is, because once you get in to trouble, you start to realize how these law's affect you , emotionally, personally and start to affect your reputation and your family. 

Friday, December 5, 2014

Ferguson Speech " Public. "

It's sure is , very upsetting to see your child suffer. Or even lose a child. Especially when it comes to police brutality, school shootings, abortions, miscarriages or any of these life altercating situations that can damage a reputation or change your life for ever. Anything can happen to any  one. We live life and there for , we suffer, cry, have happy moments and , at the same time, we do suffer.

In between those happy moments, there are the bad times, and the good times that go along with living life. But, in the most cases off police brutality, like, Ferguson Missouri case or the New York Choke hold case, these cases are yet again, very, very sensitive when it comes to race. Race should not be a problem while being arrested, or getting in trouble by the law. It's the crime that has been committed. Or has not.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Ben Carson Blaimes Feministism For Police Shootings

The latest news on the police brutality that has risen as the most recent Civil Case in Ferguson and then New York City on the victim that has died while police officer was found not guilty has risen protesters to protest all over the United States.  It's a touching yet very sensitive situation for every American.

This is not a black problem and a White America  and Latino and Asian America, there's the United States of America.  - President Barack Obama spoke these very words on November 30th, 2014th on "Meet The Press. " .

Mean while, Ben Carson has spoken his opinion as a conservative has blamed Feministist's for the police shootings. Not all of the encounters with the police end up with shootings. These are rare moments off what can happen if a citizen does not listen to the police. If you're told by the police to raise your hands or to get off the street, then, just listen to the police officer. Don't yell, don't scream. If you are under arrest for false accusation, which has happened to me, and you regulate and do what you're told, your charges might get dropped later after an investigation.

My other main point and main concern with these " Civil Rights " cases are that, there is a reason to , why , I'm still single. That, is, because of the comments made Ben Carson. I wonder if his mother raised him and gave him a chance at living the life he's living now. And or his father. Yet alone, where was Brown's father when he needed some one to look up to as a good father figure?

And, that's another reason to why, there isn't a woman President yet still in 2014. Not every man blames it's the woman's fault, or, the other woman. Take action for your own responsibility.