Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Thought of the Day " Press 2 for Spanish "

I was just going to work today and was passing Walgreens from where I live and was very frightened to see a few signs by Walgreens written in Spanish. I'm honestly am frightened by what this country is becoming and turning in to. Before, when every one knew English and it was a mutual language that every one spoke and understood and were respectful to the law enforcement and weren't afraid of the law, everything was handy dandy. But now, I see change.
When I came here in 1997, I learned English right away. That was my first priority. Then, I went to school in American schools. There weren't any prejudice, or outcasted yet, split up school systems or disctricts where if your'e Hispanic you have to go to a public school where only Spanic speaking schools are located at. Or different religious schools. Well. That is a little bit more understandable.
At the same time, prejudice, and race and class of language is ethical problem. I also think that, it's in a way a form of discrimination. Why should certain countries should divide their country apart in to different language barriers. Go out there! Travel! Find things out! Learn a new language, not including Spanish if you already speak Spanish and you are Latina! I'm just saying that, it's great that you are Spanish. English, British and or any other ethnicity. It's great! Be proud of who you are! But don't change another countries law's to adjust it to your custom. That's not right for other people that live here or work here just as hard as you earned your right to be a citizen.
Why do we have to press 2 for Spanish? Why can't there be just Press 3 for Italian, Press 4 for German, Press 5 for French and so on. Why only Spanish language? Why do when people migrate to America, they think they have a power to change the law in their own hands? Laws are there to be created and to be followed.
Lawyers are there to obey and follow these laws. Not to change them to people who don't want to obey them.
It's ridiculous to why these certain people make their lives accustomed to their own. Like changing English signs in to Spanish.  Learn our language! And our laws'! Don't change your own because it was your own law in your own country.