Sunday, December 28, 2014

Miley Cyrus : " And Feminity. "

Dear Instagram,

I have a problem with you posting naked Miley Cyrus photo's. For one reason and one reason only. There was an article stating that, the reason for Miley Cyrus behavior lately that has outraged the public, is because, she has been standing up for women's rights and feminist issues along the way.

My only main problem with her actions towards the behavior is, that, every woman is out raged that, they can no longer publicly breast feed their new born children. Yet, Miley Cyrus behavior is aloud to be publicized on television ? Yet, her nude photo's can be posted on face book, Instagram, Twitter and other social media? I have a very big problem.

Only because, I'm not a mother. But, her actions and half naked photo's are making a big impact on the younger adults for making irrational decisions such as slutty clothing and becoming a parent at an early age. This is something that a lot of parents are afraid for their daughters.

I would have been to, if I saw an idol change so drastically and making an excuse such as stanidn gup for women's rights . That's not the way to do so.

Use your common sense. And please, can someone put some right clothing on that child? That goes to Ariana Grande as well.

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Dear Mayor De Blasio ( Shame on You ) .

Dear @Mayor De Blasio, 

I have always been surrounded by fire fighters, police department and government officials since I was little. Therefore,  I respect police officers and fire fighters. For a government official to go after the NYPD department or officials, is wrong. If I was the Mayor, I would have arrested the protesters and have made protesting illegal after rioting towards the law. The police department , in New York, is what makes this town safe. Who comes to your calls when one needs help or one needs a restraining order against an ex boyfriend, girlfriend? Who burned down a church in Ferguson? Who lootted stores? I'm guessing, you support these acts. These acts are called criminal acts. 

So what your technically are saying is, legalize every single crime so that, the police department can't arrest? You have already legalized marijuana. I don't agree. I was raised in the late 80's. To understand and respect the law. Not to go against it. 

John F. Kennedy spoke these very words. He said , " My fellow Americans, ask not what not what your country can do for you, ask what your country can do for you. " 

Mayor, what have you done for our country so far in office? 

Friday, December 12, 2014

Mr. 3000 ; " Memory Loss .

This is an example from my novel which I'm working on! Although, English is my second language, and it's the second year, that, I'm working on , I'm still  writing and trying my best to describe events and scene's from my idea's that I get from my dreams! I hope you will like an example that I will give you in my book in progress! So excited! I just can't sleep! And thank you for your support!

"The smoke meandered whimsically up into the clear blue sky, as the 
snowflakes gently drifted back down to mother natures breast, a crisp nasal clearing mentholy pine was fresh in the air, interuppted lovingly by a warm rich woodsmoke coming from the old weathered yet homely log cabin. hidden from time and noise..the land around the cabin looked inhabited, yet distant enough for serene thoughts of the scent of pine wood burning in the fire place that gave fire the strength to ignite and light the fire for a period of time. 

His constant memory drew his wife closer and closer towards his chest as her breasts touched him passionately while they were making love inside the beautiful cabin he had rented after their wedding night in Vermont. Her slight kisses gently touched his lips. He could taste her lip stick from Victoria Secret. Not that she needed any make up, although, she was so beautiful without. "

Sunday, December 7, 2014

" Being a Woman " - And Still Single. " - "Why Do Men Care!? "

Being a woman is not an easy thing. Many people, men especially believe that, women , we have it all. They have it all wrong. On so many levels.  To share a personal story with you, well. Let's just say, just stepping out off the apartment, I get stared a lot. I might get asked a lot of questions just by walking down the street like, " You single girl? " , " Or , why you still single? ". I still wonder, how do they know that? Or, why do they still care that I' still single.

Being single, independent, and paying your bills on time is hard enough. I'm sorry, being independent and not relying on a man , meaning marrying one on time before age 25 is a myth. I don't need a man to be married to or dating one so that, it'll be easier to pay my bills or save money. I don't need a child to prove my family that, I'm worthy .

I might not be the married type , but I am 100% a career woman that , some day want to become a lawyer. A criminal lawyer. Maybe, one day, I will have it all. But, right now, I'm enjoying my last three years in my twenties. It's fun being a mature, twenty seven year old. Yes, it's sure is.

A lot of women some times, do struggle to keep their weight in tact. These are all the images that internet, puts in to our brains. Like, Calvin Klein Over Weight supper model that became the next image  off Calvin Klein. I disagree. She looks like a complete anorexic stick like figure that wants to gain some weight but can't seem to gain confidence. 

Some men out there only go after looks. Not the brains. They can have it both. Looks and brains.  

A lot of people asked me lately," What do I look in a man.? " 

My answer is .  . . . . " I don't look for a man. I don't run after a man either. I just live my life and like to avoid all drama at all cost!  The end. " 

And honestly, most problems with women, begin with men. . . . 

"Do College's and Universities Think That They're Above The Law!? "

With my learning disability, ADHD And PSTD that I have not yet been diagnosed yet, that the college has caused me so much pain, stress and suffering, I feel like, that, Most college's think that, they're above the law.

When during the hearing there are students that get to attend a students hearing. Unprofessional and untrained staff that get's to make unrulling decision  that has decided decisions jut like the Grand Jury that has chosen for, George Zimmerman, Ferguson police department, and the New York Police Department to get away with murder. Yet "O. J Simpson " is still in prison because he's black. Does that make sense at all? This is why , I want to become a criminal lawyer and defend those who have been possibly falsley accused of murder due to race, and injustice that the police departments policies that need to be changed while they try to stop crime. 

The fact that, just about 50% of criminals are black!? That's what they say about our marriage divorce rate. About 50 % Americans end up divorcing with their spouce. We have a first African American president and, the first American family in New York City who's First Lady's is well, black. And I 100% support them! 

To underestimate the justice system is one thing. But to accuse someone without any prove off evidence, and yet the justice system is so messed up, well at least not all of it, but I clearly see the difference between Ferguson and New York style protesting is much peace full. Amen. Amen.

The reason why these facts have affected me so much is, because once you get in to trouble, you start to realize how these law's affect you , emotionally, personally and start to affect your reputation and your family. 

Friday, December 5, 2014

Ferguson Speech " Public. "

It's sure is , very upsetting to see your child suffer. Or even lose a child. Especially when it comes to police brutality, school shootings, abortions, miscarriages or any of these life altercating situations that can damage a reputation or change your life for ever. Anything can happen to any  one. We live life and there for , we suffer, cry, have happy moments and , at the same time, we do suffer.

In between those happy moments, there are the bad times, and the good times that go along with living life. But, in the most cases off police brutality, like, Ferguson Missouri case or the New York Choke hold case, these cases are yet again, very, very sensitive when it comes to race. Race should not be a problem while being arrested, or getting in trouble by the law. It's the crime that has been committed. Or has not.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Ben Carson Blaimes Feministism For Police Shootings

The latest news on the police brutality that has risen as the most recent Civil Case in Ferguson and then New York City on the victim that has died while police officer was found not guilty has risen protesters to protest all over the United States.  It's a touching yet very sensitive situation for every American.

This is not a black problem and a White America  and Latino and Asian America, there's the United States of America.  - President Barack Obama spoke these very words on November 30th, 2014th on "Meet The Press. " .

Mean while, Ben Carson has spoken his opinion as a conservative has blamed Feministist's for the police shootings. Not all of the encounters with the police end up with shootings. These are rare moments off what can happen if a citizen does not listen to the police. If you're told by the police to raise your hands or to get off the street, then, just listen to the police officer. Don't yell, don't scream. If you are under arrest for false accusation, which has happened to me, and you regulate and do what you're told, your charges might get dropped later after an investigation.

My other main point and main concern with these " Civil Rights " cases are that, there is a reason to , why , I'm still single. That, is, because of the comments made Ben Carson. I wonder if his mother raised him and gave him a chance at living the life he's living now. And or his father. Yet alone, where was Brown's father when he needed some one to look up to as a good father figure?

And, that's another reason to why, there isn't a woman President yet still in 2014. Not every man blames it's the woman's fault, or, the other woman. Take action for your own responsibility. 

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

""FRIENDS " - Single and ready to mingle.

Imagine you being the only single friend, out of all of your circle of friends? Imagine how that feels? Oh my god. I've been there! To find my self in a very complicated situation! ( It was so laughable that I got a little bit depressed! )

Did any of you notice that? Like, why are you the only single person out of all your circle of friends? That doesn't make sense.

The best place to be if you are single, is at bars. Any type of bars.  Like ,  karaoke nights or go to a regular bar. Start a conversation, about anything that has to do with a bar.

And if you have a best friend, go with the best friend on your first time at a bar. He/ she will definitely keep you looking like your'e " NOT " single.

And if you have a girl that is a best friend, ' GREAT! " you have scored! Because, if you're a girl, and she's your best friends will keep you single! ( ha ha ha )

If you still think, that your best friend is your best friend, then, why are you still single?

Isn't it a little bit to suspicious? 

Saturday, November 22, 2014

My real heart break in 2012.

My dating experience, has been up and down since 2012. I have moved on, not to find out my ex's , supposingly who told me, that, he was " gay . " Is now married! Not to a man, but, to a woman.

I by accident stumbled upon an article on face book. What happened was truly a real heart break. I guess, you can say, I had feelings for him, and he didn't. Only because, to find out, he slept with my gay best friend who was a guy. He harassed me at work to a point I lost my job at a hair salon. I lost my career in college. Almost. I am allowed to go back to school sooner then later. I have decided to become a lawyer. And, things are going so far pretty good for me.

Accept one thing. I stumbled upon a face book article that caught my eye. A couple in a wedding dress that the groom looked like my ex. Gay? I thought. Is he really is gay? As soon as I saw the photo, I was heart broken and cried. Just a little. All the lies, all the crimes, he has committed, and harassed me, because he thought he could, just nearly made me break down.

She is pretty, a blonde, and has a beautiful wedding dress. To find out that, the other women stole your  or I never had him, got married to someone who is a liar, and a cheater. It's like, two peace in a pod. Guess, she really wanted him so bad. She won the fight and she can have him.

I'm still kind of not over it. Trying to get over the heart break of finding out that, he's married now.

I think. If that's the case, it's another motivation for me, to carry on and stay motivated and positive!


"Why am I almost 30 and still single? "

To every one who's ever been in a relationship absolutely knows or has been cheated on if you are still single and is in your early thirties, late twenties and turning thirty and you are still single. Trust me, usually, around thirties, men kind of want to settle down. You would think that way right? Wrong! I've been in plenty of relationships, only to get heart broken and be dead wrong about the guy I have dated on my last relationship which lasted for eight months. After eight months of "Kind " of dating, I have found my self single, yet again.

As an author, a reporter and a writer, I thought, I had it all. After telling him, how I felt about him, I found my self depressed after he did not reply back to my message. We had tones of things in common. At least, that's what I thought. Besides the fact, that, I did not have a car. But, that's besides the point.

Lately, men have been acting not sensere with women's feelings but honestly some treat them like they're the next Kim Kardashian. One problem I have with this. We as women, who have respectable careers as successful business women, lawyers and celebrities need to stop men treating us like we're nothing but an object. I have gained self control and self respect towards my self after the last break up.

We are to quick to judge men by their look and their appearance also. It's way to easy to judge a man by their looks. The same way men do to women. Some times. That is why, women complain that's why, there isn't way to many good men out there.

I have noticed, not to look at a mans looks, or how the man is cute, and or good looking yet attractive. a man is. I have noticed that, a man should treat a woman with respect. If, on the other hand, a woman let's a man treat her like she's a whore and sleeps with every man, then, that's why she's having a hard time finding a man and to stay with her.

The other problem I have with women, is, some become best friends with you, then, to find out that they have been cheating behind your back the whole time with your husband, boyfriend  or best friend.

Trust, is the number one reason why I have a hard time trusting men and women. It goes both ways.

Thanks for understanding.
Top few reasons why am I still single.

There are a few reasons why I am still single. 

Thursday, November 6, 2014

" Once Upon a Time There Was a Pen! " - A Short Story.

It was 1863. The night has fallen quietly, as it  was silent as  a public library in the middle of the day. Finally, he thought. Time to count the stars. The author reminded him self that, it would be a cloudy night. He would have been lucky to spot a star. As he came out of his wooden house, with his candle and a quilt with some drawing paper, he finally caught something magnificent. A shooting star. And so he made a wish. 

He also wondered, did these types of wishes come true. Was he so sure that one day his dream would come true. He had a brilliant idea that instead of a quilted feather, he would use an instrument to write with better than a quilt.It would have saved a lot of feathers, he thought. 

He also wished he could go back in time and erase what he had written. But some times, his idea's would have been kept private and a secret. Not all the time, this would have been imagined proven and true. He drew a wishing star, and then  his idea came out  of the blue. 

He started to draw a pen! Funny and ironicly , he laughed at his idea. And he thought that would never have happened. 

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Economic Release of Employment News.

Hillary Clinton, who was the First Lady to President Bill Clinton in 1992, and who'm six years later was impeached in 1998 who'm later became 67th Secretary of State serving under President Barack Obama. And who also represented New York in the U.S Senate. ( 2001 to 2009. ) 

In the most recent news, Hillary Clinton, who is a 2016th Presidential nominee has recently stated that, " Don't Let Anybody Tell You That It's Corporations Businesses That Create Jobs. " .Where has posted the article on , the job creation she can bring to The White House. 

President Barack Obama, who is the 44th President of the United States has created over, where in the month of October 2014th, job ratings fell bellow 6% and as hiring picked up. After a very long recession, five years later, after the nation rose from a crippling recession, economy finally started to be on track and picking up .

Although, the signs of improvement were only temporary, the evidence were tempered by remanning wage gain struggle to raise the minimum wage. 

After, Septembers ( 2014th ) unemployment rate was 5.9 percent which went down from 6.1 percent in August, President Barack Obama blamed Republicans for obstructing his proposal to help ordinary Americans. " Too much of the growth in income and wealth is going to the very top - not enough of it is being spread to the ordinary worker, and that means that we've still got some more work to do to put in place policies that make sure that economy works not just for the few, but it works for everybody. " 

The Nation added 248,00 jobs in September across almost all sectors of the economy. 
Over the year, the number of unemployed persons decreased 1.3 percent points and 1.9 million respectively. 

In September of 2014th, of October , 2.2 million citizens have found a respectable job. 

( Good signs. ) 

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Hundreds of High School Students in Middlesex County to Converge at RWJUH on Oct. 10 to Prepare Injury Prevention Lessons for Elementary School-Aged Peers

    RWJUH Safety Ambassador Program Now in Its Seventh Year

NEW BRUNSWICK, N.J. – Safety superheroes and, perhaps more impressively, teenagers who appear as themselves will spend several months this school year visiting younger district peers just beginning their academic journeys with the goal of teaching them valuable lessons to help keep them and their loved ones safe.

Through Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital’s Safety Ambassador Program (SAP), high school juniors and seniors are trained to present injury prevention lessons to first and second graders in their respective communities.  This school year, 23 high schools in central New Jersey – including, for the first time, Colonia High School - have signed up.

This Friday, October 10, more than 200 students, their school advisors and program volunteers will gather to learn about pedestrian safety, fall prevention, safety in and around cars and wheeled sports. Students will explore ways to creatively and successfully convey key messages to first and second graders. The SAP Safety Summit starts at 8:30 a.m. in the hospital courtyard.

“This is an opportunity for high school students to volunteer in a leadership capacity and to act as role models for younger children in their community,” explains Carol Lavitt, coordinator, Safety Ambassador Program at RWJUH.

The SAP program is funded with a grant from the State Farm Youth Advisory Board. In 2013, the YAB received a total of 804 applications, and RWJUH’s Injury Prevention Program was among only 64 to receive funding.

Lavitt added that this year, parents of the first and second graders are being asked to enroll in a three-year research study to help RWJUH determine the impact of the SAP on decreasing common childhood injuries.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Sixth Annual Steeplechase Distance Run Raises More Than $140,000 for the Steeplechase Cancer Center at Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital Somerset

Event Draws Record-Breaking 1,560 Participants
(Somerville, N.J.) – Avid runners, walkers, cancer survivors, physicians, community members, family and friends gathered for the sixth annual Steeplechase Distance Run/Walk on Sunday, September 28, 2014, raising more than $140,000 for the Steeplechase Cancer Center at Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital Somerset. Nearly 1,600 people, ranging in ages 9 to 85, participated in this year’s event in honor or in memory of loved ones, or to celebrate their own recoveries. The event, organized by Somerset Health Care Foundation, featured a 10K run, 5K run, 2-mile walk, kid sprints, music, refreshments, face painting and more, over a scenic course in Hillsborough, New Jersey.
“The Steeplechase Cancer Center at our Somerville campus consistently delivers quality care and provides access to clinical trials, expert physicians, and state-of-the-art medical equipment and laboratories to enhance the quality of life for cancer patients receiving our care,” said Paul Huegel, president of Somerset Health Care Foundation. “With the funds raised through the Steeplechase Distance Run/Walk, we will be able to continue providing patients and community members with the needed programs, support services and free educational events to help them live happier and healthier. We’d like to extend a heartfelt thank you to everyone who joined us to celebrate life, promote health and fitness and honor those who have been affected by cancer.”
The Steeplechase Distance Run/Walk began and ended at Amsterdam Elementary School in Hillsborough.  All runs were USA Track and Field (USATF) certified. A tent with art supplies allowed participants to make “shirt signs” with tribute/memorial/survivorship messages. RWJ Somerset’s Sports Performance staff was available providing runners with free trainer-assisted stretching, and a private massage company was also onsite. New this year, the Steeplechase Cancer Center had a special tent dedicated for cancer survivors. Guests gathered at tables in the festive tent to enjoy food, refreshments, and the company of fellow survivors, friends and family. Also new this year was the Patient Ambassador Program which included four cancer patients who donated their time and energy to promote the event and raise awareness for cancer. The ambassadors kicked off the start of the walk.
An awards ceremony was held after the completion of the races, awarding top runners in each event and age group. Kenneth Goglas of Port Reading, N.J., proved his endurance yet again by taking the overall first place awards for both the 10K and 5K for the second consecutive year. He completed the 10K ahead of 355 runners in just over 34 minutes, and then came in first out of 575 runners in the 5K race with a time just under 17 minutes. Goglas was awarded two medals for his accomplishments, and medals were also awarded to the top finishers in each age category. Additionally, every participant was provided a t-shirt and goodie bag, as a token of the hospital’s appreciation for their support.
The more than $140,000 raised from the event will support RWJ Somerset’s many cancer-focused community health lectures, survivorship and rehabilitation programs, cooking demonstrations, nutrition classes, and complementary medicine, including yoga, reiki, and meditation classes.  Total attendance for these programs is estimated to exceed 5,500 this year.
Event sponsors included Physicians for the Cure, Clayton and Associates, Emergency Medical Associates, Millenium, the Takeda Oncology Company, Financial Resources Federal Credit Union, Anesthesia Consultants of New Jersey, Jerry’s Executive Limo, Nimer and Bilal Mian, MD, Hillsborough Massage Therapy, Genentech and Lilly.
To learn more about Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital, please For a referral to a physician affiliated with Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital, please call 1-888-MD-RWJUH. Follow us on Twitter and Facebook at
About Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital and Robert Wood Johnson Health System
Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital (RWJUH) is the flagship hospital of Robert Wood Johnson Health System – New Jersey’s premier health system which boasts three acute care hospitals: RWJUH in New Brunswick and Somerville; RWJUH- Hamilton and RWJUH- Rahway and a national leader in pediatric rehabilitation: Children’s Specialized Hospital, as well as five fitness and wellness centers and numerous outpatient facilities. Through RWJ Health System, patients have access to exceptional women’s and children’s services and expert cancer, cardiac, emergency, neurology, stroke, trauma and pediatric rehabilitation care in addition to comprehensive health and wellness programs.
RWJUH is a 965-bed academic medical center with campuses in New Brunswick and Somerville, NJ.  Its Centers of Excellence include cardiovascular care from minimally invasive heart surgery to transplantation, cancer care, stroke care, neuroscience, joint replacement, and women’s and children’s care including The Bristol-Myers Squibb Children’s Hospital at Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital (  As the flagship Cancer Hospital of Rutgers Cancer Institute of New Jersey and the principal teaching hospital of Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School in New Brunswick, RWJUH is an innovative leader in advancing state-of-the-art care. A Level 1 Trauma Center and the only Pediatric Trauma Center in the state, RWJUH’s New Brunswick campus serves as a national resource in its ground-breaking approaches to emergency preparedness.
RWJUH has been ranked among the best hospitals in America by U.S. News & World Report seven times and has been selected by the publication as a high performing hospital in numerous specialties.  The Bristol-Myers Squibb Children’s Hospital has been ranked among the best hospitals in America by U.S. News & World Report for three consecutive years.
Both the New Brunswick and Somerset campuses have earned significant national recognition for clinical quality and patient safety, including the prestigious Magnet® Award for Nursing Excellence, an “A” patient safety rating from the Leapfrog Group and “Most Wired” designation by Hospitals and Health Networks Magazine. The Joint Commission and the New Jersey Department of Health and Senior Services have designated the New Brunswick Campus as a Comprehensive Stroke Center and the Somerset Campus as a Primary Stroke Center.
The American College of Surgeons’ Commission on Cancer has rated RWJUH New Brunswick among the nation’s best comprehensive cancer centers and designated the Steeplechase Cancer Center at RWJ Somerset as a Comprehensive Community Cancer Center.  The Joint Surgery Center at Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital Somerset has earned the Joint Commission’s Gold Seal of Approval for total knee and total hip replacement surgery.
For more Information visit us online at

Monday, August 25, 2014

Robert Wood Johnson Hopsital Holds Restorative Yoga

On Friday, August 29th, 2014 at Steeplechase Cancer Center location around 10-11:30 a.m.Will be holding the Restorative Yoga event. Restorative Yoga is a practice that uses many props to support the body so that the asanas (postures) may be done in a very passive way. This brings the body and mind into a state of very deep relaxation. Often this practice is used to relax and quiet the mind when going through stressful periods, times of illness or injury, or to create balance. Restorative Yoga releases stress in the physical body and nervous system, and helps to bring the organs and systems of the body back to balance. It heals the body, and makes you feel wonderful!

The price to pay is $5 dollars to get in. 

Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital Somerset to Host Free Baby Expo on Sept. 6

SOMERVILLE, NJ, July 30, 2014 -- Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital Somerset is offering a free Baby Expo on Saturday, September 6 from 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. on the hospital campus at 110 Rehill Ave, Somerville. The event will include a healthy cooking demonstration, car seat safety checks, classes on breastfeeding, infant care and pre-and post-natal fitness demonstrations, face painting for children and tours of the maternity unit. Meet Sparkee, the Somerset Patriots’ mascot, from 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. Refreshments and raffle prizes will be available. Everyone who pre-registers will enter into a special raffle. Walk-ins are also welcome.

1 Year Old transported to St. Barnebas Burn Center

 On August 23, 2014 at 4:29 PM police received a 9-1-1 call from a residence on Smithwold Road reporting a 1 year old female had suffered a serious burn. Upon arrival, patrols discovered that the 1 year old had a partial thickness (2nd Degree) burn from the bottom of her neck to her belly button. It was learned that the child was running around and accidentally knocked a pot of hot coffee onto herself causing the burn. EMT’s and Paramedics from Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital arrived on scene to treat the victim. It was determined that she needed to be treated at St. Barnebas Burn Center in Livingston, NJ. A medevac helicopter from the New Jersey State Police was requested and landed at the New Brunswick Road Park to transport the child to the burn center.

Friday, July 4, 2014

Mr . Wrong.

Dear readers,

Dear Readers.  If you are married, please, don't cheat. If you are newly weds, please don't flirt, don't kiss other women on the cheek and don't hit on younger single women. You're not in high school any more.

This is a true story. You are texting to a married man that won't leave you alone. And this is how the conversation goes.

Married Man : " Hey girl, what you doing tonight? "

Single Woman : " Nothing , going to sleep. "

Married Man : " Wanna hang out? "

Single woman : " No. You're married. "

Married Man : " I told you, I broke up with her. I don't live there any more and I moved. "

Single woman  : Doesn't text back or reply back for 30 minutes . Ignores and avoids his texts.

Married Man : Who's number is this?

Single woman : " That's what she said. "

Married Man : " She who?"

Single Woman : " Who's this? "

Married Man : " Miguel. "

Single Woman : " You spelled Michelle wrong. "

 - - - - - End of conversation. . . . .

This is how you kick a married man to " Kingdom Come. "

A girl wanted to ask her best friend this question for years. " Girl, why are you so ugly? " Her friend finally replied after a few seconds with this, " OMG, why are you talking so bad about your self?  It's not every day that I look at you and wonder the same thing about your self.

One day a daughter and a mother is walking in a park and enjoying nature. Her daughter was about to turn around and ask her mother a question. When , out of no where, the mother slaps her. Her daughter started to cry and asked, her " Why did you do that? "

She goes, sorry there was a mosquito on your face.

USPS " Hiring or discriminating? "

You are trying hard to pay your bills like, being on time on your rent, electric and utility bills. You are trying hard not to starve. You are trying to be on time to work every day. You are also trying to look for a 3rd or second job for those who are not lucky with jobs.

Yet you apply for the USPS job opening position. You apply, fill in your first, last name, and all the personal information such as address, previous work employment.

They send you the link to only say that you failed their assessment test. You scratch your head. Wait a minute, you never took one. You think to your self.

In the questionary section there is a question that gets you upset and angry . Are you black, white, African american, spanish, latino or other. Or you choose not to answer.

You choose white. Because your ethnicity is white. You still don't get the job.

You work at Burgerfi , a minimum wage job that pays $8.75 an hour. Mean while, you try your best to get every order correct as a cash register. Your balance on the cash register is always even. You notice that your hours start getting lower and lower. You wonder what you're doing wrong.

You come up to your boss. Ask for more hours. He shows you a post on the wall. The post says, " Don't complain about less hours. The manager is less responsible for his hours then he cares most about his employees. So get another job. "

You start crying because you know you have another job but your trying to pay your rent on time.

You then a few days later get your last pay check at Burger Fi because the manager at the end Fires you.

You then later on notice that a few weeks passes by and Spanish Employees are wearing Burger Fi shirts. Not only 2, but 3 or 5. You start to cry. You wonder why you got fired.

You believe and want to think, you just weren't meant right for the job.

I think, it's discrimination.

There are also other questions that could be asked to see if some one is mentally stable or makes sense. For instance.  When it's hot outside, there are two shirts. One is black and one is white. What color of shirt would you wear ? Correct answer would be, white. Because lighter colors reflect the heat off of you. Darker colors do the opposite.

Thursday, July 3, 2014

New Jersey State Police: Missing Child.

Eva Simon who was last seen near Nutley Township. Police believes that sehe may have jumped from a second floor window and sustained an injury.She has an alias of Alexis Love and may be with a person going by the names "Matt Damon" or "Matt Damian." 

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

The Real Addiction of Caffeine

TAddiction to Caffeine or caffeinated like drinks can harm your body. As well as over dose of caffeine can kill. Caffeinated medication and caffeinated drinks such as coca cola, and other medications like Midol that haas 60 mlg of caffeine can cause a big health concern.

There are also some positive sides of caffeine. Have low blood pressure? No problem. Just drink some coffee and it will increase your blood pressure! But be careful. Increase of high blood pressure could be a potential health problem. Caffeine is not safe for every one. 

Statistics show that over the past four years, 13 people have died due to 5 hour Energy drink. (

Caffeine is part of our culture. Just like caffeinated drinks like coca cola, medications that have caffeine in it. Such as Midol and other medications. 

"Can caffeine help you to lose weight?" asked Shawn from Edison, NJ. 

No sound evidence has increased caffeine consumption results in significant aimed at weight loss. 

Did you know that, caffeine can be found in many beverages such as coffee, tea, energy drinks, or products like cocoa or chocolate bars.