Thursday, June 4, 2015

"The life of a journalist. "

Robbery , murder, rape, child molsters are the most type of people that we get to see every day on the news. Same stories. Just different people. Why is this still a problem in our culture in 2015? IF we were so civilized, then why are we building robots? To help us with the cultural problems like hate and job loss?

 Crime in America has gotten worse. Especially with race in such a big and problamatic problem and topic. Is race an excuse to rob, rape and or murder some body? My only question is, why? Why do people do the things they do? What is their motive? Success or to be in jail? Majority of the crimes that are being committed are the poor citizens. How can we change that? Does education help the process off crime rate to lower in our society? Is it that hard for a student to come to school? Where does education in school become the most important and affects an influences a student to start to become who they really are. Education. It makes a difference in our lives.

When as a reporter, one must show the whole picture. Investigate and understand the other persons problem. Suspect or victim. It all comes to the end. Who's right or who was wrong. 

But, as the other person who's the judge of this, would say. I don't know that person well. Maybe, I never met them at all. But, does that judge have a right to judge? First apearance matters. In so many ways. 

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